Neues von Ryan Arciero und Niki von der Decken

8. Januar 2005

Hier gibt es mal wieder was neues von Ryan und Niki (357). Marc Miller scheint mit Ryan telefoniert zu haben.

Marc Miller wrote on

As for Ryan I am so happy for him. With a crap starting position today, and finishing in the dark again, finally he will get to start closer to the front after the rest day. Bravo to Ryan!! He could have quit, he was on the road for some 40 hours straight! And the guy finishes 42nd after starting like 118th… the front guys didn’t have to drive in the dark so that for sure slowed him down. I’ll bet he really wants a shower and hopefully tomorrow we will get to have a call with him.

Wir wissen ja, die Welt ist klein: Der Betreiber von lebt in den USA, aber erst seit 1993, davor hat er in der Nähe von Hamburg gelebt und kennt sogar Dahme, den Ort an dem ich jetzt wieder zu Hause bin.

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